I've been trying to create a drop down button and a split button in WPF.
It has been very frustrating, but I think I finally got it.
Drop Down and Split Button ver 1.2
I have updated the split button control to use command binding.
Please let me know if this helps you.
I have tried it out, and it seems to work alright. Looks great!
However, I tried to have the DropDownButton show a new image by having the program set its ImageSource property to a new image source, and was surprised to find that the image did not change. - How come?
I have updated the sample, to show how you can load the menu item in code.
Hi, great sample! I have one question: how do you insert a separator menu item in the context menu? Thanks,
Audi apbangi@yahoo.com
Thanks for sharing this code.
Is It ok if i use it my application ?
Yes, you can use it.
Thank you. I've been looking for things like this and it just works fine.
One question: does it work with WPF/Windows themes, e.g.: switching between Aero and Classic themes?
I tried to have the dropdown to bind a xml and have a submenu as well. it didnt work for me. any insight how this can be done ?
Fantastic control, great job
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